Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bark Dulcimer ~ 12 February 1883

Annual Report of the Operations of the United States Life-Saving Service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1983:

The bark Dulcimer, of London, England, with a crew of 11 men, bound from Pernambuco, Brazil, to New York, with a cargo of sugar, was wrecked at half past 5 in the morning on the coast of North Carolina, about a mile and a half south of Durants Station (6th District), near Hatteras Inlet, the disaster being attributed to the foggy weather then prevailing. She was discovered at 6 o'clock by the station patrol and reported to the keeper. As the sea was too rough to use the boat the life saving crew set out with their beach apparatus, arriving abreast of the bark at half past 6, an hour after she struck. The wreck gun was placed in position as quickly as possible and fired, the first shot carrying the line over the fore yard arm. The whip line and hawser then followed, and after some little delay, occasioned by the strong current, which prevented very rapid work. all hands were safely landed from the bark and conducted to the station, where they were properly cared for. On the following morning (13th) the life saving crew assisted the captain in recovering some of his personal effects which had been left on board, the vessel then being in the hands of wreckers who were engaged in stripping her. In the afternoon the sea became much worse, and word reached the station that four of the wrecking gang, who were on board the bark, needed the help of the life saving crew in getting ashore. The latter responded to the call without delay, and by using one of the bark's boats soon had the men safe on the beach. The sailors were sheltered at the station for several days and then took passage for Norfolk, the vessel and cargo becoming a total loss.

Newspaper Article:
New York Times, February 13, 1883
New York Times, February 14, 1883

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